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2022 Louisiana Survey Shows Most Residents Confident in State, but Parties Disagree Over Restrictions on Voting

April 25th, 2022

Research from the Public Policy Research Lab, or PPRL, at the LSU Manship School of Mass Communication's Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs shows residents are more confident about ballot access, but political parties tend to disagree over restrictions on voting and the public has a mixed view on its political efficacy. Trust in news organizations is also declining both nationally and locally.

The 2022 Louisiana Survey includes two distinct efforts to sample residents of the state and conduct interviews. The Louisiana Survey polled 508 adult residents through traditional telephone-based surveys from across the state to find out how Louisianans view their government and its policies. The survey was conducted from Feb. 21 to March 14, 2022, and the total sample has a +/- 5.8 percent margin of error. Additionally, the Louisiana Survey polled 623 adult residents in a survey administered online. The survey was conducted from March 1 to March 21, 2022, and the total sample has a +/- 6.1 percent margin of error. The primary report is based on the traditional telephone-based portion of the study.

Findings from the fourth of six reports indicate the following results from questions asking Louisiana residents about elections in the state and news media:

  • A large majority (88 percent) of respondents said they are very or somewhat confident that legally qualified individuals who wish to vote are able to do so in Louisiana elections. It is a sentiment that Democrats (91 percent), Republicans (89 percent) and independents (86 percent) share. A smaller majority (61percent) expressed confidence that ineligible voters are not casting ballots in these elections, but there is a significant partisan divide. Three fourths (76percent) of Democrats and 64 percent of independents are confident that individuals not legally qualified to vote are prevented from doing so, but just 47percent of Republicans are.
  • Fifty-three percent (53 percent) said voting is a fundamental right for every adult U.S. citizen and should not be restricted in any way, and 46 percent said it is a privilege subject to limitations. Most Democrats (81 percent) said voting is a fundamental right, as did 60 percent of independents. However, most Republicans (76 percent) said voting is a privilege that can be limited if adult citizens fail to meet some requirements.
  • More than two-thirds of respondents (69 percent) said that most elected officials in Louisiana do not care what people like them think. On the other hand, more than half of respondents (55 percent) said that ordinary citizens can do a lot to influence the government in Louisiana if they are willing to make the effort.
  • Just half (51 percent) of respondents said they trust the information they get from local news organizations. This marks a 27-percentage point drop from four years ago. Republicans' trust in local news fell by 31 percentage points from 76 percent to 45 percent, and Democrats' trust fell 23 percentage points from 89percent to 66 percent.

Michael Henderson, LSU Manship School associate professor and Reilly Center research affiliate, is available for interviews. Contact to schedule.

The Louisiana Survey has been conducted for the last 22 years, establishing rich longitudinal measures of public opinion in Louisiana. The mission of the Louisiana Survey is to establish benchmarks as well as to capture change in residents' assessments of state government services. The survey is further dedicated to tracking public opinion on the contemporary policy issues that face the state. Each iteration of the Louisiana Survey contains core items designed to serve as barometers of public sentiment, including assessments of whether the state is heading in the right direction or wrong direction, perceptions about the most important problems facing the state, as well as evaluations of public revenue sources and spending priorities.

The survey is a project of the Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs, an integral part of the LSU Manship School of Mass Communication. The Reilly Center's mission is to generate thoughtful programs, dialogue and research about mass communication and its many-faceted relationships with social, economic and political issues.

Read the fourth Louisiana Survey report in full at

For more information, contact

LSU's Public Policy Research Lab is a joint effort of the Manship School of Mass Communication's Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at LSU. It provides a variety of services including survey research, 'big data' analytics, social media tracking, and focus group interviews. The Lab combines professional capability, the latest data technologies, and the variety of intellectual assets available at LSU to serve our clients' research needs.

The Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs is partnership-driven, action-oriented and dedicated to exploring contemporary issues at the intersection of mass communication and public life. Its interdisciplinary approach draws together experts from diverse fields to advance research and dialogue. The intent is to inspire our communities to think deeply, take action, develop solutions and broaden knowledge. Underlying the Center's endeavors is to strengthen and advance the Manship School's national and state leadership in media and politics.

LSU's Manship School of Mass Communication ranks among the strongest collegiate communication programs in the country, with its robust emphasis on media and public affairs. It offers undergraduate degrees in public relations, journalism, political communication, digital advertising and pre-law, along with four graduate degree programs: master of mass communication, Ph.D. in media and public affairs, certificate of strategic communication, and dual MMC/law degree.

Provided by Louisiana State University

Citation: 2022 Louisiana Survey Shows Most Residents Confident in State, but Parties Disagree Over Restrictions on Voting (2022, April 25) retrieved 11 September 2024 from
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